where do i sign up to help in the fight to restore democracy?

Thanks to Stanley for this Nation article: How 9/11 Changed Our Lives

One excerpt that struck home:
"Ithaca, NY
What surprises and disappoints me is how little has changed since the terrorist attacks. I thought the horrific death and destruction on our own soil so clearly demonstrated hatred and resentment toward us that we would work ceaselessly to implement an evenhanded approach to Israel and Palestine. I thought our leaders would ask us to make some sacrifices, and we'd give up our SUVs and other aspects of our everyday life built on oil gluttony and being beholden to Saudi Arabia. I thought a successful attack with box-cutters would highlight the stupidity of "missile defense" and we'd begin to change how we spent our defense dollars. I thought we'd finally acknowledge we need transportation diversity and begin creating a healthy passenger rail system with less dependence on air travel. I thought we'd become less unilateral and work harder to build alliances and honor treaties. I was so wrong.

At the very least, I hoped the attack would jerk enough Americans out of our self-absorption to trigger a grassroots movement to restore democracy. I'm ready to join -- I just don't know what to do.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/11/02 at 10:23 AM
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