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Friday, January 01, 2010

another year begins

Well, 2009 was both good and bad. Good because we have three new babies in the family. Bad because a friend, Catherine Gordon, died way too young of cancer on November 18.

Christmas was better this year—I wasn’t so numb. Dad gave me a wedding portrait of Mom that is so beautiful I cried (between that and the note he wrote). Stanley gave me a Kindle which I like even more than I thought I would. Maureen kept Christmas fairly simple this year, which is what we all needed.

Maybe 2010 will be better. I can sort of feel this miasma of funk I’ve been in since my mother died start to clear up—like seeing glimpses of the road through the fog. I’m starting to think about what I want to create and projects I want to do—next step is starting something that’s not work-related. Maybe the President will keep one or two of the promises he made. Maybe there will be jobs and maybe they will straighten out the economy ... and maybe I’ll get some good tomatoes from the garden this year.

posted by lee on 01/01/10 at 04:51 PM

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