anti-telemarketing tactic
Junkbusters Anti-Telemarketing Script: What to say when they call if you don't want junk callsEvery time you get a call you consider junk, just ask the questions in this script. If they answer no, you may be able to sue them. You can print copies of it to keep by every phone at home. If everyone follows it, the junk calls will slowly but surely drop off. "Are you calling to sell something?" (or "is this a telemarketing call?'')
"Could you tell me your full name please?'' ... and so on. If you can't avoid them, at least make life miserable for the companies that pay for the peons to make these calls.
from John Rhodes at WebWord Addiction.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/07/02 at 06:39 AM
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