dale and thomas popcorn doesn’t pop

Dale and Thomas Popcorn has a LOT of issues to work out. Like getting the shipping time right on their website. Like not answering the customer service telephone.

I ordered some of their sample popcorn a while ago after reading about it in Cool News. Or the Wall Street Journal. Whatever. I paid the shipping costs for a couple of sample bags and, eventually, the sample arrived. We liked the popcorn. A lot. I am a popcorn freak and it is just different enough to make it interesting. Not perfect—a lot of crumbs and some kernels in it, but very, very good. Great flavors.

So I ordered some as a gift. According to the shipping info on the website, if they received the order by 2pm Monday, it should ship on Tuesday. Should be plenty of time to arrive at it’s destination in time. Only, even though I submitted the order last SUNDAY, I just got a notice this morning that it is not shipping until TONIGHT and won’t be delivered until NEXT WEEK.

I want my shipping money back unless, by some miracle, it arrives at its destination by tomorrow like it was supposed to. And I want them to correct the information on the website—they’re just building up tons of ill will. And I would like them to answer their frigging customer service line. I tried to call, but just got a message: “The mailbox is full. Call back later.” I wrote to customer service two weeks ago with a question, and have never heard back from them. I wrote to them today, but don’t expect to hear back from that message, either. I went to the blog to leave a comment, but they require that nasty typepad signup, which I won’t do (and no comments allowed on their “yuck yuck we’re fuck-ups” entry. Which I wish I would’ve seen before ordering.)

Next stop, unless I hear from them, is the New Jersey Better Business Bureau. This is a good and different-enough product and it ought to succeed—but it will fail unless they get their act together. It’s not even the Christmas season yet and they’ve already fallen on their asses. There’s not much point in getting all that great publicity if it’s going to be blown away by crap distribution.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/03/05 at 08:07 AM
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