dale and thomas popcorn update
Unless a miracle occurs, the gift isn’t going to get to where it’s supposed to go until Monday. A miracle isn’t going to occur—it’s just too far away. I did manage to get through to customer service. The woman I spoke to was courteous and, after consulting with her supervisor, said I would get a refund for the shipping charge if the package does not arrive today. Hoo-rah. Still screws it all up. Will I be ordering Christmas presents from Dale and Thomas? Fat chance.
What D&T should have done was offer to ship the order overnight, at their expense. Thereby retaining a customer. But they didn’t.
The second part of my order was also supposed to go out on Tuesday at the latest. It also did not ship. In fact, according to the customer service rep, it’s not due to ship until tonight and, if I’m really really lucky, I will get it by Tuesday. The website says I should get it one day after it ships (Teaneck is not very far from Norwalk), but that’s not gonna happen either. The woman said D&T has been overwhelmed with the volume of orders. I told her to get the company to change the website to reflect the real shipping times and delete the lie. She said she would. We’ll see.
Next entry: finally, some time working in the yard
Previous entry: dale and thomas popcorn doesn’t pop