eolo perfido: propaganda - the series
click to enlarge. photo by eolo perfido.The right wingnut natterers are tsk-tsking about a series of photos considered anti-Amerikan. By Eolo Perfido, a French-born artist currently working in Rome, who says the photos are his way of pointing out that some things just don’t work in the good ol’ US of A.
I particularly like this one, named “Propaganda 4”—but go check out the entire series yourself, form your own conclusions. Or don’t—they’re just very interesting.
While you’re there, take a look at the rest of his work as he is one of the more interesting photogs I’ve seen in a while.
Oh, and as long as we’re looking at disturbing images of our beloved country, take a look at Chris Jordon’s photography. I actually find his photos more shocking than Perfido’s stuff—this is art we “created” ourselves, so there should be no room for people to get snitty about some furrener (Jordon is an American consumer himself, he says on his site). Below is one of his photographs, titled “Crushed Cars, Tacoma 2004.” (Go to his website to see this photo enlarged.)

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