Hairy Harry & assorted neurotwitches
We saw HarryPotter 3 on Friday. It is REALLY good -- much better than the first two (which I liked). Great job on the Dementors. I don't need to write a review as there are about seven thousand of them out there already, most of which say the same thing: "It is REALLY good."BLOG SOFTWARE
I'm in the process of setting up one site with pMachinePro and I love it. I'm rebuilding my family site with it and, once I have the time to actually spend a few hours working on it, it'll be done and solid and be exactly what I want it to be. I spent the $45 for the pro version because I want to create several different blogs for different people and purposes.
I'm also in the process of rebuilding a news site with ExpressionEngine. The site needs a full-blown content management system, much more flexibility than most blog software can provide. So far, while the learning curve is a little on the steep side, I'm really excited about what I will be able to do with it once I figure out just HOW to do it all. What EE lacks is a photo gallery feature, but I think I can craft something that will work.
I'm so impressed with the software that I plan on using it to build out our next project, which is a huge redesign -- one of those redesigns where you essentially start from scratch because it's easier to do that than to fix what's there.
Tomorrow we have to finish moving websites from one server to another -- one down, eight to go. It's not hard, just a bit of a pain to go in and fix all the paths in the cgi scripts. Then finish a shopping cart for the members-only area of one site. And build a PayPal shopping cart for selling photographs Tony took in Iraq over at Beneath Buddha's Eyes. And announce our latest site once the domain registration problems are resolved (quick, who took over DellHost's domain registration business?) And why doesn't Whois show the correct expiration date?
With my sibs, I am working on setting up my parents' Golden Wedding Anniversay plans for November 5 & 6. It's been a pure pleasure so far -- things seem to be working out quickly enough, and it's great to be in more constant touch with my four sisters. As soon as we get my brother's email address, the email sibring will be complete.
I've been dreaming the graphical design of the big redesign we're working on. It's very frustrating not to plunk myself down with Photoshop and just go to it. But first things first. I'm very excited about working on this site, particularly because it has great products, so it's been difficult to not jump the gun and go straight for the visual stuff before we finish planning the information architecture and completing the content and navigation structure. I'm already sold on making the site completely standards-compliant and built on PHP/MySQL (using ExpressionEngine). I also know exactly what I want to do with the news site redesign, visually, but I'm taking the time to get the structure and modules right so the visual stuff can be twitched and prodded with ease. It's an exciting time for us right now -- never enough hours in the day to do all that we want to do.
He wasn't as great a president and people are making him out to be now that he's croaked. Just good at seeming to be like-able. I saw an interesting article making just this point in Salon: The Reagan Legacy. Reagan scared me while he was prez. I remember watching the Iran-Contra hearings. And trickle-down economics that never trickled anywhere. I remember a decade of greed and meanness and deficits. Nope, I don't think Reagan qualifies for either presidential sainthood or admiration.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/06/04 at 11:50 PM
Next entry: the zen of php shopping carts; moron time; great photos
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