lazy july saturday
There are a lot of things I want to write about: seeing Spider-Man 2 last night (it was great), launching a new website (, the hideous cost of the prescription creams I need to keep my psoriasis under control, politics, this, that. But I'll save those for another time, particularly the new site launch.Instead, I want to post some photos. I haven't done that in a while. Sooner or later I'll actually get around to putting up galleries, but for now, this will have to do.
Twitch has been, well, twitchy lately, though it doesn't appear that way in either of these pictures. The first is of Twitch daydreaming when he's supposed to be supervising. Below, he contorts himself to try to catch that last ray of sunshine.
If there's a patch of sun coming through a window, Twitch will find it.
I didn't do much of anything today. We slept in. I swept 25 pounds of dog and cat fur off the kitchen floor. I worked a bit on our company website because certain things were really bugging me. Then I went outside to work in the garden a bit, water the parched plants, throw the Frisbee for Ginger. It's one of those perfect, lazy summer Saturdays that seemed to last forever when I was a kid.
Ginger couldn't decide whether to stay in or go out.
She loves playing football -- I toss the football up the stairs and she guards it until I disappear from view, whereupon she sneaks it down the stairs and waits for me to chase her. She's pretty good at dodging.
The only bad thing about today is that there are going to be fireworks tonight here in Norwalk, which will turn Ginger into a quivering mass of terror.
After a very slow start, things are starting to look summery. I will have a bumper crop of cosmos, it looks like. I planted some hellebore under the wisteria, and they seem to be doing quite well. The verbascum and rose campion that I planted last year were quite pretty when they bloomed, and the dianthus survived the winter even though I forgot I'd planted them and didn't mulch. The coral bells didn't bloom, though the plant is healthy. And there's a catalpa seedling that seems to sprout a foot overnight after I cut it back.
The cleomes are kind of iffy this year, but the nasturtium is starting to bloom and the blossoms are exquisite. The shrubs we received from Rare Bird Nursery seem to be taking quite well, except we really need to pick a place and just plant the black cherry.
One of these days, I'm going to do a website using nothing but nasturtium colors and white.
I think this flower is marsh mallow, but I'm not sure. Or it's some kind of a geranium. I'm poking through google trying to figure out what it is. I remember planting it a couple of years ago, but it didn't bloom until this year, and I just can't remember what it is. It's quite beautiful next to our cobalt blue glass birdbath, and oddly enough, doesn't look so bad next to the China red roses. (It's not a combination I would've planted deliberately.)
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07/03/04 at 04:25 PM
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