rainy day views
It's one of those rainy, kinda lazy Saturdays. Though I have a lot to do, I don't feel like doing much. We went to get haircuts earlier, and stoped at Petco for animal food (and, of course, more toys for the beasties). Saw an astonishing parrot, big, very young (like a few months old) with gold and iridescent peacock blue and teal feathers. He is healthy, friendly, and $1500 - so I guess I won't even bother putting him on my wish list.It's a gray day, on the chilly side but I like it this way after the temperature hitting the 90s this week - good grief. We need the rain and the wildflower seeds I planted need the rain.
I need to organize my desk and office yet again and I know I'll feel better when I do - it's just getting started that's the hard part. Sooner or later I'll put some cds on and start the spring cleaning stuff. Just not yet.
I do love spring. It's so pretty right now I don't even mind spending half my awake time in a benedryl-induced stupor. The dogwoods are especially pretty this year - and so was the magnolia, though it seemed to last only a couple of days this year. Maybe because there hasn't been enough rain.

This is one view of the Japanese dogwood as seen from my window. It was even greener a couple of days ago - stunning this year. This tree is suffering from some blight all the Japanese dogwoods seem to have here in Fairfield County, Connecticut, but it doesn't look like it's going to die anytime soon.

Another view of the dogwood from the window.

"I never did like dogwood."

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/20/02 at 02:07 PM
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