staples are gone
Stanley’s staples were supposed to be removed yesterday, but Dr. Gagne was in emergency surgery. So we went today. They’re gone! Dr. G. said things are looking good. There is still one three-inch stretch that Stanley has to pack because the edges haven’t joined together, but I guess that’s par for the course. So now Stanley gets an ultrasound done on August 7 and sees Dr. G. again on August 9, with a visit to the cardiologist sandwiched in on August 8.
Normally, by this time, we would’ve had our vacation countdown calendar up and our hotel room booked for our trip to Michigan. I’m just waiting for everything to be over for a while—like no checkups or anything scheduled until after we would get back. We’re still shooting for heading to Oscoda on August 19 and arriving there on August 20 Even more than past years, this will be a working vacation, which doesn’t bother me so much as long as we get a few days to just do nothing but read on the beach and spend time with my parents and go to bingo (hopefully with my parents!) Stanley is really hoping his leg is healed enough to walk with Dad.
We need this vacation. So very much. I guess I’ll book the hotel room and just hope I don’t have to change the reservation. I have just over three weeks to finish a couple of projects, get well in to a couple more, get the billing caught up and sent out—oh, I guess I’d better go order those plant watering things from Stoke seeds ...
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