That’s billion, with a “b” $28 Billion Smoker Award Could Be Cut

"A Los Angeles jury's $28 billion award shows that Californians are willing to hit cigarette makers in the pocketbook -- but don't expect the award to stand, attorneys and academics who monitor tobacco litigation say."

Philip Morris, the particular brand of tobacco company sued in this case, said the lady shoulda quit because she knew the dangers of smoking. The jurors didn't buy it. Maybe there were some smokers on the jury, or ex-smokers, or maybe the jury was just offended by the arrogance of the company. Or sick and tired of breathing in second-hand smoke.

Whatever Philip Morris says, I know how hideously difficult it is to quit smoking. And how hard it is to stay quit of it. It's been just over a year for me, and I would never have been able to quit without the help of my doctor and a three-month prescription for Wellbutrin and the patience and support of Stanley.

I still crave cigarettes. I've read that they're more addictive than heroin. I KNOW they're harder to kick than alcohol.

I know a judge will reduce this award -- but I hope he or she keeps it high enough to really HURT Philip Morris. It's still small compensation for a life cut way too short by lung cancer.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/05/02 at 10:23 AM
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