Well, it’s getting there ...
I managed to figure out how to get Movable Type up & running on my own this time (thank you to Adam for getting Puppet Press Journal up and running!) - it's not as easy as the cool folks at MT would have you think. This is version 1.14. Okay, the main index is up, but I still have to do all the templates for everything else. (If you can read this, I didn't screw anything up this time - it's attempt two to get it up and running on my own.)My main problem setting up MT was that some of the directories needed to be in upper & lower case, but it didn't install like that, so I had to do some hand twitching. And the only way I knew that could be the problem was from experience. I don't know why the directories didn't install properly - if it's a setting I have on our server or in the ftp client or whatever ...
So, the main index template is the only one done. The rest will have to wait. So this blog is a little schizoid for a while ... what else is new?
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/09/02 at 11:26 AM
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