Friday, November 25, 2005


Thanksgiving was fun. I slept until noon, and felt guilty when I awoke because I didn’t help with any of the prep. But Maureen didn’t seem to mind, so I just relaxed.

Dinner was a true feast—sage stuffing, a great turkey (organic, semi-free-range, whatever the heck that means, and cooked with the stuffing inside the turkey and not separately as so many of those idiot cooking gurus tell you to do), cranberry relish (1 bag of cranberries, one orange complete with rind, four cored apples and two cups of sugar all food-processed together—it’s Florence Silverstein’s recipe and it’s wonderful), butternut squash bisque, rolls, and purple broccoli. And for dessert, pumpkin flan, pumpkin pie, apple-berry pie, cheesecake, and chocolate ganache. Over several hours.

Good conversation—besides Mauree, Kate, Ben, Jeff, and Stanley, Jeff’s sister Lucy and Maureen’s friend Heather joined us for dinner. This was the first time I met Heather and I like her a lot—I immediately felt comfortably with her.

Tonight, very late, we’re going to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Ben wants to see it with us, so that’s what I chose in celebration of my 50th birthday today. And that’s all I have to say for now about turning 50.

posted by lee on 11/25/05 at 01:12 PM
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