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Monday, December 31, 2007

times flies when ... um, time just flies

We headed over to Stew Leonard’s so we could get some shrimp for dinner—but they’d closed at 8 p.m. We already had salad made from last night (a chopped salad, made the same way my sister and brother-in-law makes it, which is chopping everything up into small cubes and small pieces. We used mescaline mix, apples, strawberries, tomatoes, yellow squash, cucumber, celery, and walnuts for this batch, and got some good ginger dressing at Whole Foods—it was great) and needed some protein to go along with it. We were surprised it was closed, but just laughed. What else could we do? Should’ve gone earlier, but I was wrapped up in recoding some store pages on one of the ecommerce sites and didn’t want to stop in the middle.

On the way home, the guy driving in front of us was either drunk or a really bad driver. Just reinforced why I much prefer not going out to celebrate the new year. I did the Times Square thing four or five times when I lived in Manhattan many, many moons ago, but the thought of doing that now makes me break into a cold sweat.

I couldn’t bear the thought of hot dogs for dinner, not on New Year’s Eve, so we decided on pizza from John’s Best, and Stanley went to get it. Good decision—it’s the best pizza around here by far. We settled in and watch a PBS show about Second City, Law & Order, the news, then the countdown to the clock. Dick Clark seems to be doing better than he was last year. We kissed when the ball dropped, and watched the fireworks from First Night in Westport which we could see clearly out our window—I didn’t even have to get up from the sofa to watch them! Much warmer, too.

Last year was not a great year for us. My cousin Keith died way too young of liver cancer, Stanley had to get his valve replaced again due to endocarditis, lost half a kidney to a blood clot, and more major surgery on his leg and a couple of months of recuperating. My mom was definitively diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. Kate was hit by an idiot in his car while riding her bike to work. Stanley and I both got sick during vacation and it took me more than a month to get over whatever the hell I got. We had to tap equity in our house to cover lost income and pay for a new furnace. And other things happened to loved ones that made me worry even though I know there’s nothing I can do about anything. I’m still not over it all—it will be a little while longer, I think, until I get my sense of equilibrium back.

This year, I hope, will be better. For everyone.

My first goal of the new year is to clean the house, which has gotten way out of control. So I’m going to check my email and then go to bed so I can start the cleaning process when I get up (after coffee and reading the paper!) My life always seems so much more manageable when the house is clean.

posted by lee on 12/31/07 at 10:00 PM

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