circling my brain
I have yet to see or hear an explanation of how allowing same-sex couples to get married is going to rend the fabric of our society. All I've seen or heard are rants that it is a "bad" thing or that it will lead to polygamy (!?!), but no actual detailing of what, exactly, is allegedly wrong with it. I completely fail to see why gender matters in a marriage at all -- procreation is a bullshit reason for marriage because that implies that only breeders should be allowed to marry. How does the marriage of Tom and Harry or Mary and Ann in any way, shape, or form harm anyone?Why are the democrats succumbing to the killer in the White House's agenda, anyway -- like a Constitutional amendment is really going to be an issue in this election? Bushie keeps shifting focus from his shitty and murderous regime to stuff that titillates the media, and Kerry and Edwards just play right into it. Why can't they just have enough guts to say this issue is irrelevant and move on to, say, all those kids flunking all those tests, or all those people dying for nothing in Iraq, or the slimy way the pretender has of destroying our environment by slipping things in ... would love it if the Dems would show some courage.
And why is everyone so upset over a floppy boob? I haven't heard anyone ranting over how that whole song/skit was actually a depiction of violence against women. Nope, just silly rants over a semi-bare boob. And all of a sudden Howard Stern is too much? Puh-lease ...
What is with this: "He is the Thought Leader ... ?" What the frell is a Thought Leader? What's wrong with "Intellectual," or "Innovator," or "Authority ... ?" Or even "Thinker?" "Theorist?" Thought leader sounds like a term some executive coach made up to sound like she knows deep things. What does it mean, really? Do people thinking thoughts sit around in some circle while someone conducts thoughts? Sort of like being a band leader? Or a ring leader?
How much longer until spring?
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/27/04 at 10:24 PM
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