killer intersection claims two more (vehicles)
Beautiful Saturday afternoon. Am sitting in the office, catching up on email, when BLAM! The sickening sound of metal against metal at 2:55 pm. I look outside—a little SUV smacked into a pickup truck at the intersection of Strawberry Hill Avenue and Tierney Street. Smoke billowing from the hood of the SUV. Looked like the truck was trying to make a turn onto SHA and didn’t clear the SUV which was going at the usual SHA clip of about 45 mph (in a 25 mph zone).
Firetruck came. Then an ambulance. I watched for about 15 minutes and never saw the cops arrive. As is typical here in Fairfield County, people refused to stop to let the ambulance maneuver into position—they were too important, I guess, to worry about someone who may be dying for lack of treatment. Looks like the woman driver of the SUV was banged up pretty good, but she was walking around. I think it was the truck driver trying to direct traffic. Doesn’t look like anyone was seriously injured or dead—this time.
I still cannot for the life of me fathom why the city or the state or whoever is responsible for this street refuses to put even a stop sign here. This intersection needs, badly, a traffic light. One was approved in 1998, but one homeowner at that intersection pitched a bitch so it was never installed. Traffic, since then, has gotten much, much worse. I am sure the mayor, Alex Knopp, who promised to help fix the traffic problem here in Norwalk but has done absolutely nothing to help, won’t do a frelling thing until a kid is killed while trying to walk home from school (there are still a few walkers).
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