my husband gave me roses ...

They came this afternoon—I didn’t expect them. They are so beautiful, and I particularly like the vase, which is a beautiful shape and color. Stanley said he ordered them for me last week one morning while I was still asleep.
My valentine to Stanley was to reserve the hotel room for our honeymoon. We will go to Washington DC on April 23rd and stay until the following Tuesday. I was going to get train tickets as well, but decided we might want to drive down instead of taking the train. That’s far enough in time so that he’ll be fully recovered and, I think, it will be less crowded than around Easter time. It will be fun to plan it all out while he is healing.
I was thinking it would be fun to take the Acela down from Boston (we’ll be leaving Ginger and Twitch with Ben, in Natick), but was surpised at how expensive it is and it only saves one hour of train time. It would actually take us longer to train down from Boston than it would to drive!
Twitch was busy getting into the picture:
We’re trying hard to get as much done as we can before Friday. Yesterday we spent a few hours helping Helene pack up books and knickknacks, and today were able to take a van-load of it over. Her new apartment is really nice and I think she’ll just love it there. Starting tomorrow I need to work on tidying the upstairs—I just want things calm when I bring Stanley home from the hospital. After that, I’ll tackle the office, which really isn’t that bad except for Ginger’s shredded boxes and yogurt container littering the floor like confetti.
Stanley’s surgery is scheduled to begin at 7:30 am on Friday. He still seems to be ok with it all, still looking forward to feeling better after he heals, and having some time to catch up on some books and actually read them, vs. listening to them as he usually does. I am not doing as well. I’m ok most of the time, but have these moments of, well, terror would be a good way to describe it. And I’m uneasy while Stanley is out of my sight. I know the fear and the uneasiness are irrational, and I do trust Stanley enough not to push it, but still, I feel like Ginger before a thunderstorm. On Wednesday, Stanley gets all his pre-op tests done and on that day we will find out from the staff there exactly what and where and how long, etc.
Off for a Stew Leonard’s run ...
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