notes from the road and other things
Bananas and the Botanical History of the Antilles sounds dry, doesn't it? It's not. It's interesting. And it's gorgeous. I look forward to getting Eric Guager's newsletters.Meanwhile, I was looking over the entries for the bloggies, and came across ANTIPIXEL, a blog by some guy in Japan -- I dunno, I didn't really read much of it. Yet. What caught me was this photo:
"Another view to Komazawa" It's stunning. As is the other one of the same view he links to in his entry. I really like the design of his site. I voted for it for "Best Asian Blog." I'll go back and read through more of it soon. Oh, wait, I can add it to Feed Demon!
Today was an expensive day, but a good day, nonetheless. Something we thought was going to end badly for us probably won't. Our attorney managed to show us our bogeyman has no fangs. But it took longer than I thought it would, which means I couldn't get as much work done as I wanted to.
On another front, now has classified ads, which are free for a while. Check them out!
And happy birthday to my sister Maureen. I won't say how old she 'cause she's younger than I am.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/22/04 at 04:43 AM
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