run far, run fast, from Verisign
Check out :: Take back your name from Verisign. We've transferred nearly all of the domain names we own or manage from VeriSign to DNS Central. We still have a couple left to move, but those are registered via Verio -- which is nearly as bad as Verisign (formerly known as Network Solutions). While the procedure can be a pain in the butt, it's worth the peace of mind knowing you won't lose a carefully built brand or domain name because of an arrogant twit at Verisign screwing up. We were also extremely pissed when Verisign mistakenly changed our nameserver with NO authorization and also refused to admit they'd screwed up (we suspect they ran an Interland script where something was transposed. Interland apologized and gave us a decent credit. Verisign did everything they could possibly do to lose our business.) DNS Central lets us lock our domain names.If you registered your domain name at Verisign or Network Solutions, just move it. Pay the few extra bucks.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/26/02 at 04:20 AM
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