snow and silly teevee shows
We’re in the midst of the MEGASTORM. Yep, that’s what the Weather Channel is calling it. I wonder what it’s real name will turn out to be—probably something like Frank or Harriet.
The storm started here in Norwalk about 9ish, I think. It was starting to get heavy outside while we were watching the latest Jesse Stone movie. Now, several hours later, I think we have six or seven inches on the ground. Or more—I’m not inclined to go outside and look more carefully. I will in a bit, when I head upstairs to bed.
The Jesse Stone movie. I really like this series, but this latest one, Thin Ice or something like that, was really disappointing. It was depressing and left the story hanging—nothing good happened. They’re filming the next one, or just filmed it, and it’s due out this year some time, but it’s a long time to wait for some resolution. This one wasn’t a Robert Parker version, but based on his characters. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t as satisfying as the last four were. But maybe it was a good ending, because it left me wondering and caring about what happens next. And it makes me want to visit Nova Scotia—it’s so pretty there (that’s where it was filmed—what is supposed to be Boston looks an awful lot like Halifax ... )
Since we watched “Thin Ice,” Stanley dvd’d “Brothers & Sisters” for me. The special two-episode version. I’m hooked on that show and I don’t really know why as there are only a couple of characters that are even likable (Scotty and, hmm ... I guess there’s only one). They’re all a bunch of whiny, selfish ninnies for the most part. Even the kiddies are unpleasant. So why do I watch? I don’t know.
At any rate, the double episode had a few things that bugged me. First was what’s-her-name, oh yes, Sarah, less than six months after launching a startup (an online content property, no less) announces that it’s so successful she’s paid off the second mortgage she took out to fund it already. Give me a freaking break. Then, watching Robert writhe in the ER and then have to undergo open-heart surgery was hard. Just brought back all the memories of watching Stanley go through that twice, I guess, because I didn’t care if Robert was written off the series because he’s so insufferable a character. And the post-op scene in the ICU was bogus. But it was hard to watch.
Then, then, the real, bullshit scene: Kitty introduces Robert to their newborn the day after his surgery. Open heart surgery, as in rip the chest open and staple it back together again surgery. And hands Robert the baby—and Robert holds the baby and coos at it without breaking a sweat. There is no way this could happen—not unless he was on so much morphine he didn’t feel anything, in which case he would’ve been babbling like an idiot. Stanley wasn’t even allowed to hold his cat until weeks after his surgery and there is no way he could’ve held anything heavier than a spoon full of oatmeal the day after his surgery. Not without passing out. And then there’s Kitty wanting him to change ... never mind—I said this post is about silly teevee shows.
I just peeked outside—there are about six inches down and it’s still snowing like crazy.
My biggest accomplishment this weekend: I liberated my desk. I can finally breathe again.
I’m looking forward to taking pictures of the doggies in the snow.
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