spam blocker blocks spam blocker
It's just funny. CoffeeCup, a software publisher that makes stuff like html editors and ftp clients, sent me an email announcing a new spam blocker. Only I didn't get it right away since I always forget to check my bulk mail folder on Optimum Online. Seems the new spam blocker software Optimum recently launched decided the spam blocker software announcement is spam. Which I guess it is. I don't use CoffeeCup software (I looked at it once, for about twelve seconds. Why do I need another html editor when I already have Dreamweaver and Arachnophilia?), and don't trust spam blockers, so I won't go to the trouble of figuring out how to unblock CoffeeCup's spam, er, marketing messages. Maybe they shoulda left out the part about winning a bar of gold in the subject line. If CoffeeCup isn't smart enough to keep it's messages out of the spam folder, why would anyone ever trust the software to do a decent job of filtering spam. Like, duh.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/23/02 at 06:47 AM
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