the nathan hale middle school piggies
We started working on the yard today—raking and cleaning up the branches. And cleaning up the litter.
While school is in session, we get an unbelievable amount of trash tossed and blown into our yard. We’re next door to Nathan Hale Middle School, and the kiddies are piglets. They toss candy bar wrappers and plastic bottles and school papers and, on the last day of school, entire text books and binders full of paper and crap from their lockers.
Often, their mommies add to the garbage by cleaning out their vehicles when they line up along Strawberry Hill Avenue waiting for their fat little piglets to get out of school and get their rides so they don’t have to walk one step more than necessary—they toss bottles and cigarette wrappers and the contents of their ashtrays. I wish I had the time to gather up their garbage and follow the big pigs home and dump it in the middle of their lawns.
It’s all very depressing and takes quite a while to clean up.
What would help a great deal is a 10-cent deposit on all bottles, including water and Gatorade and any other beverage the piggies consume. A nickel doesn’t mean anything to anyone except the folks who harvest the recycle bins every Thursday. Maybe a dime deposit on water sold in bottles would clean up some of the mess people leave behind—I still don’t get why there is a deposit on soda bottles but not water or Gatorade bottles—it’s ludicrous.
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