the shoemaker’s kids finally have new shoes
At long last, we put up a new version of our company website: InfoPulse LLC. Been working on the overall design for quite some time but we've been too busy to actually just do it.
I originally wanted to make this a table-less site as hawked by so many standards evangelists--or at least just use tables as whomever created the markup for tables allegedly intended (displaying data). But it would've taken too long to build it out and I had limited time in which to get it done and, mainly, I don't really see the point. I read all the buzz about eschewing tables, but I've never seen a succinct explanation of why structuring pages with tables is a BAD THING.

It's definitely a work in progress. I need to re-do the "enlarge this image" stuff we had in our portfolio in the last version. I want to add a biz blog, and add more resources. I think, over time as I have the chance, I will remake the pages to eliminate tables if appropriate. I want to experiment more with CSS. I would like to add the ebooks we have for sale on other sites to this site. I need to add the ads and animations we do to the portfolio, and some of our rare print design stuff ...
So, I'm exhausted as I usually am when launching our newest creation. But I'm looking forward to the four projects I am currently working on: a coporate site, a news site, and two sites for wonderful artists.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/05/04 at 07:25 AM
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