there was a mouse in the house

We made it to Michigan on Sunday evening. Dad said there was a mouse in the kitchen cupboards, and wondered if Twitch would catch it. Well, Twitch keeps the mice at bay in our house (and moles and moths), so we weren’t surprised when he’d managed to catch it before long. He was quite proud of himself. The sweet little field mouse is no more. Twitch catches them and tortures them, tossing them around until they croak, or until Stanley manages to get the creature away from the cat and put it out of its misery. Twitch gets pissed off when Stanley takes his mousies away and sulks for about 20 minutes. Below, if you click on the picture to enlarge it, take a look at how puffed up the cat looks—I swear it looks like he gains five pounds when he’s hunted successfully (he only weighs 11 pounds—he’s a small, wiry cat).
The trip was, for the most part, pretty easy. There were some periods of hard rain in Pennsylvania, but at least it was daylight when we drove through it. We didn’t leave until Saturday at 2:30, but were in Warren, Ohio by 10:00 pm. We had planned on leaving much, much earlier, but it just didn’t work out. We left Warren about 11:45 the next morning, and were in Oscoda by 6:00 or so. It is so great to see mom and dad! We finally managed to get a cable connection, so that was good, though it took most of Monday afternoon to set up. Today, Tuesday, we went to Three Mile Beach—half of it is closed off because the county is doing some work there—we’re not sure what yet—but there are a bunch of big machines in that area. Dad said he’ll try to find out what is going on at his Kiwanis meeting on Wednesday. We have gone to bingo, twice. We all won, but not enough to break even yet. It’s fun. Tomorrow, more beach, but I have to get a few work tasks done in the morning. The weather is fantastic so far—upper 70s and dry. Very dry—it’s been a long time since there was some decent rain here and the fields and lawns are crispy and gray-brown. I always forget how dark the skies are here—the night sky here is heartbreaking it’s so beautiful. Lake Huron is the perfect swimming temperature—brisk enough to wake you up but not so cold it give you cramps. Ginger is a happy dog—she was in the lake before we even took her leash off.
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