what happens dicks [try to]
run the world by themselves
Knock. Knock. Who's There? Same Ol' Editor-Guys by Caryl Rivers, Women's Enews, April 9, 2003[snip]
From opinion pages to brainy magazines to journals of opinion, women's voices are more muted than they have been in years. As columnist Alicia Mundy writes in Editor and Publisher, at The Washington Post, "Op-ed pages are bulging with deep 'insider' pieces on foreign affairs to the near exclusion of more immediate issues. Second, these pages are almost entirely devoid of women." She notes that if you did a cursory search of the last two year's opinion pages, "you would be alarmed at the lack of diversity among writers and among subjects beyond foreign affairs."
At The New York Times, the same situation generally prevails. In the month between November 4 and December 4 of 2002, for example, an online search revealed that of the non-regular columns on the opinion page, 60 were by men and 14 by women. (Three bylines featured names that were androgynous, so hard to quantify.) Two of these pieces by women could be called very light, one about the perfect Christmas gifts, another by Miss Manners on etiquette. When all opinion page bylines were counted, of 92 writers, only 19 were women. And as the nation lurched into war, the situation has not improved.
Maybe that's why there's been so little coverage, in the U.S. media at any rate, of the civilian casualties during this "liberation." Maybe that's why there is so little coverage of events of real and immediate concern to Americans -- such as not being able to find a job, running out of unemployment benefits while still having several mouths to feed, not being able to pay for health insurance, schools running out of money, pensions headed for the toilet, the true cost of this phony war ...
The administration has done an effective job of diverting established media away from the real problems -- and what passes for mainstream media in this country has fallen for the propaganda hook, line, and sinker.
This cartoon, by Pulitzer Prize winner Ann Telnaes, pretty much sums up what's been going on in not just the U.S. media, but the administration as well:
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/12/03 at 06:18 PM
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