Thursday, February 07, 2002
well, this is one way to drive print sales ...
Weekly World News says if you want to know why the three-legged skater was banned from the Olympics, you have to actually BUY the "paper." You won't find it on the website. If the carrot doesn't work, try the stick.
posted by
lee on 02/07/02 at 05:28 PM
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Friday, February 08, 2002
I’m a red-winged blackbird
You spend an incredible amount of time primping, preening, and posturing to attract the opposite sex. As much as you want to attract that devoted love, though, you know these efforts serve another purpose: rivals won't enter your territory because of your intimidating presence.
At least according to
The Mating Game on, web home of the National Wildlife Federation.
"When a male
Red-winged Blackbird detects another male in its territory, it approaches the intruder, drops its wings, and raises its beak, all of which serve to make the bird appear large and intimidating. The male exhibits the same behavior when it approaches a female. But it's not trying to frighten off the female. In both instances it's demonstrating its fitness and dominance. Presumably a female will be most interested in mating with a male that can defend a territory and, by extension, provide a steady supply of high-quality food."
This is a GREAT site!
posted by
lee on 02/08/02 at 03:39 PM
web stuff •
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My favorite illusion: shrub is in charge ...
Outside of that one, there are plenty to look at, pick apart, watch interactive demos of, learn about, etc. at
This is one of my favorites:
The site isn't gorgeous, but is packed with information and examples. Time Sink rating: 10 (out of 10, 10 being the best).
posted by
lee on 02/08/02 at 04:11 PM
comments •
What font am I?
More sillies:

Wowie! I am
Redensek! I am techy yet cute, and pretty much all around cool. Everyone loves me! I'm fun, popular, and can mold myself to fit right in to any situation.
posted by
lee on 02/08/02 at 04:27 PM
miscellaneous everything •
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Sunday, February 10, 2002
Thursday night went to hear
The Jeremiah Long Band again at
Caffeine in South Norwalk. They're good! Not a huge crowd, so they were relaxed and obviously enjoying playing.
posted by
lee on 02/10/02 at 03:10 AM
reviews •
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Monday, February 11, 2002
I dunno - just check it out
From Fred Langa's enewsletter:
BeezleBugBit. Some interesting stuff - and some pretty awful stuff.
And from Stanley at
Puppet Press Journal, here is a site worth poking around in for a while:
Erwan Bezie's stuff.
posted by
lee on 02/11/02 at 05:33 AM
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web techniques gone amok
It's amazing
how ugly you can make something if you try just a little. Oh, and let's see - let's make navigation as confusing as possible and, while we're at it, rehash news that's already featured in a zillion places - oh, that's leveraging content, I get it [yawn]. Way not to go,
posted by
lee on 02/11/02 at 04:20 PM
reviews •
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Oh Just write your own like everyone else does ...
Gerry McGovern writes in his Feb. 11 newlsetter:
If you have, Gerry McGovern would like to hear about it.
(Constructive criticism is welcome too!) If you have a minute,
please send a brief accolade (max: 100 words), describing what
you like about the publication. This may then be published on
Gerry's website, or in other promotional material for Gerry
McGovern. Please also include your name, title and organization
(if appropriate)."
I don't know why this made me laugh, but it did. Reminded me of a bad TV commercial. I like Gerry's columns when he has something to say. Usually he's very good at pointing out the obvious (in an Emporer's new clothes kinda way), and usually he's right on the money especially if you agree with him on what constitutes content, what the web is about, and why people use the web (oh, I mean "Web" per Gerry's style guide). His conclusions are usually sound, but his solutions sometimes leave me breathless (this is not a Good Thing). Not necessarily breakaway stuff, though -
Jakob Nielsen has been saying pretty much the same thing for a lot longer, albeit Jakob is even dryer than Gerry.
posted by
lee on 02/11/02 at 04:44 PM
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Laura bush sends a message to enron victims
Reaching Out: The First Lady's Message to Victims of the Enron Collapse. From the White House.
posted by
lee on 02/11/02 at 06:05 PM
miscellaneous everything •
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Tuesday, February 12, 2002
Why, yes i am
Are you Addicted to the Internet?
Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%)
While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury ...
The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!
Founds this via thanks Adam, I think ...
posted by
lee on 02/12/02 at 04:37 AM
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