Saturday, October 26, 2002
PayPal Scam #Eleventy-seven
I received email with a file attached this morning. The message said:
Dear PayPal Customer,
In order to keep our services as secure as possible, we have created new software to ensure that you are making transactions using the safest software possible. We have just released our new PayPal At Home software. With this software, you will be able to log into your PayPal account anytime, even if you don't have an internet browser on your computer.
We invite you to try our new software, and let us know what you think of it. We are slowly switching over fomr the web based login to loggin in using our new ultra-secure PayPal At Home software.
We appreciate you trying our new software,
Dave Chappell
PayPal Customer Support
posted by
lee on 10/26/02 at 10:37 PM
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Monday, October 28, 2002
styrogami - sculpture for the next millennia
Boston Globe | Arts / Carving out a unique niche
"Consider the man who, for the past 20 years, has been carving small sculptures out of used and unused coffee cups made of foam polystyrene, referred to by most of us, Vitali included, as styrofoam."
(From The Obscure Store and via Stanley.)
"Styrogami is sculpture evolved from mentally extrapolating the trash and waste proliferation and combining the exponential growth of world population while
factoring in rain forest depletion rates with due consideration given to the half-life of stored nuclear waste and the destruction potential inherent in modern day weaponry. I have come up with the visionary concept that we may indeed be presently and blindly basking in the glory of our final historical footnote, leaving no future generations to learn the hard lessons that the destruction of one's own planet will teach. Though I disdain the Styrofoam cup and the throwaway society it represents, Styrogami is, nonetheless, something metaphorically exquisite to admire as we walk this path to the gallows." From the gallery (?) announcement (?)
I guess it takes a person with special vision to find art in trash. This isn't any weirder than a lot of stuff people have been trying to pass off as art - some successfully, some not so successfully. All this artist has to do is exhibit one piece of "Styrogami" in an institution supported in some way with public funds and that depicts something such as Ashcroft pissing on the Laura Bush or god pissing on anything (whether it actually does or not doesn't matter - the label is everything) and he'll be the current darling of the art world - overnight.
I hope he gets lots of money and commissions.
posted by
lee on 10/28/02 at 10:59 PM
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Thursday, October 31, 2002
If you have any doubts
about what day it is, then go here: Today's Date and Time. Bet you don't know what the NORAD Daycode is, do you? (It's 02303.2043)
posted by
lee on 10/31/02 at 04:52 AM
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tracking down legislation murderers
Ballistic Fingerprinting...for Politicians! by Mark Fiore.
Seems like a very good idea to me.
posted by
lee on 10/31/02 at 08:37 PM
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