Dad died a year ago today. It’s taken me this long to blog about it, though I did post on facebook, mainly so I could let everyone know what happened, and the arrangements and all that.
James Fleming at Trident for a trivia contest on November 21, 2014. We won! (click to see it big!)
I miss him. He went too soon—he was just 86 and was supposed to outlive his mother, who died at 91.
I blame type 2 diabetes, the stupidity of the medical establishment throwing away more than a hundred years of knowledge and pushing bullshit guidelines and bullshit drugs for diabetes instead of what they knew worked even before insulin was discovered.
I blame the University of Michigan Hospital for giving him a heavy dose of antibiotics instead of treating him for a gout flare after his leg was amputated. I blame them too for giving him C. difficile—there is no excuse for this. I’m still angry about a world-class teaching hospital killing him. I know he had a lot of problems—but he was doing so well and progressing nicely until he was slammed with c. diff.
But mainly, I miss him. I miss listening to Dad talk about politics—I would love to be able to hear what he has to say about what’s happening in this election. I miss hearing him talk about his great grandkids. I miss hearing him tell me about his cat’s latest antics. I miss his tales of his lunches with his ex-Kiwanis buddies. I miss listening to Dad and Stanley talk about politics and solve the world’s problems. I miss his daily emails letting me know he is okay. I miss trying to figure out what to get him for Fathers Day and his birthday and I missed sending him a Valentine’s Day card and sending him good coffee and t-shirts that I know he’d love. I miss spending time with him, and I miss hugging him. I miss telling him I love him.
It took a while for me to figure it out, but finally, I did, and moved this site to our new webserver. Rah. Just 40+ more to go.
Slink wants me to pay attention to him. With food and a good scratch. (click to see it big!)
After watching the political scene and the overwhelming disappearance of basic civility, I’d just about given up hope that things might get better.
But today, a ray of sunshine: a boy headed home from the middle school next door to us spotted a dollar in our driveway and went out of his way to tell us that he found it. I thanked him for his honesty and told him to keep it.
Made my week much better.
Slink and Pepper getting along for a change. (click to see it big!)