Saturday, February 22, 2003

Still trying to get MT 2.6.2 to work

Let's see if it does yet -- I still don't have any choices for "text formatting" in the drop-down list ... but I fixed an entry that was screwed up way back in November when I upgraded to 2.5.
posted by lee on 02/22/03 at 06:42 PM
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800-650-8375 scam—more info

Thanks to Stanley for this article: House GOP Fundraisers Put a Price On Honors (, which goes into more detail about the Tom DeLay Republican Business Advisory Council telemarketing scam.

Stanley said he can't believe how many suckers actually pay the money for this "honor," and that for just a couple of million, he knows this Nigerian bank account those people can have ...

I think people should call the 800 number (in the title) just to cost the Republican National Committee some money -- maybe make it too expensive for them to continue this tactic? I keep getting crap in the mail from them, and make sure I send it back to them in the postage-paid envelope.

The actual telemarketing is done by Akron, Ohio-based InfoCision, according to the article.

"It is not just some recipients who are angry. Lawyers for Dow Jones & Co., owner of the Wall Street Journal, contacted NRCC officials before Christmas to ask them to stop using the Journal masthead, saying they were "misstating a connection between the award and the Wall Street Journal," said Brigitte Trafford, a Dow Jones spokeswoman. Flesch said he received his "Wall Street Journal" ad fax this month. Trafford said Dow Jones lawyers would be back in contact with the NRCC.

"Some honorees who contributed have complained that they never received their promised "handsome framed certificate." Others said they welcomed the attention regardless of its value."

posted by lee on 02/22/03 at 09:48 PM
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Sunday, February 23, 2003

creature comforts

The animals here are really spoiled. Able to take their comfort wherever they find it. Stanley took these pictures.

Ginger loyally sticks by my side, for the most part, but sometimes the wooden floor of our office isn't very appealing to her, particularly lately as the chill permeates what is, essentially, a converted porch. So she heads upstairs and makes herself comfy:


Twitch is quite adept at finding a comfortable spot to snooze no matter what the circumstance. All he requires is a box-like container (just a shade or two on the snug side) and some padding. You didn't know that a computer bag easily converts into a cat bed, did you?


posted by lee on 02/23/03 at 12:09 AM
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Monday, February 24, 2003

vote for the 2002 darwin award winner

Head for the Darwin Awards and choose your favorite tale of cleaning up the gene pool.

Did you ever notice that there are very few tales of women killing themselves due to moronic accidents? Interesting.

posted by lee on 02/24/03 at 05:40 AM
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Heroine Bernadette Devlin deported from the US

Finding Trouble in U.S., by Jimmy Breslin

Bernadette Devlin was seized by government agents in Chicago. They said she was a threat to the United States. Breslin writes:

"She remembered yesterday that she said, 'This is crazy.'

"The older agent said, 'If you tell me one more time that this is crazy, I'll put handcuffs on you and throw you into a cell.'

"'All right, I won't say one more time that this is crazy. But it is crazy,' she said.

"Then Bernadette Devlin, who for so many years showed Catholics in Northern Ireland how to breathe and be as unafraid as she was, and by doing so placed the first jobs they ever had into their lives, this small woman with music for a voice who thrilled so many Irish in New York, wound up in an office, where she was fingerprinted and photographed.

"Humiliate them. Then frighten them. 'I'm going to throw you in prison,' the older man said.

"He tried the wrong party. 'You can't do that,' she said. 'I have rights. I have the right to free movement. I have human rights. I have the right to be protected under the Constitution of the United States.'

"The daughter overheard one of them say, 'After 9/11, nobody has any rights.'

"It was common mouthing and behavior from a government that daily shears people of their rights."

So now were so afraid of anyone who stands up for human rights that we deport heroes? What a shameful and embarrassing action on the part of those incompetent, unelected assholes and their stooges now infesting our government.

posted by lee on 02/24/03 at 11:01 PM
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Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Phil Phinished on MSNBC. New Architect Dead next month?

MSNBC axes Phil Donahue's talk show. Not enough viewers. All this amidst the general moaning and groaning about there being no talk show (on radio or tv) for liberals. I'm just wondering if the reason talk shows for liberals don't succeed is because most liberals have better things to do than get a daily dose of what to think fed to 'em. Like think, read, write, converse. Maybe, just maybe, it's because most liberals are not sheep, like the herds of dittoheads or the legion of idiots who listen to O'Reilly's braindead ranting?

I got something in my email today informing me that New Architect is dead after the March issue, and do I wanna subscribe to, I think Software Developer instead. Or something like that -- I deep-sixed the message so I don't remember for sure. As much as I won't mourn the demise of New Architect, I sure as hell don't see what a magazine for software developers has to do with internet technologies. I suppose one could stretch it and make a case, but why? I liked NA better when it was Web Techniques -- was much more interesting because it was a little quirky. I still think CMP Media should get some kind of a prize for making NA the most boring-looking site on the planet (the print mag is almost as boring).
posted by lee on 02/26/03 at 06:14 AM
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Friday, February 28, 2003

looky here—BBE is a Wander-lust featured site!!

When you go to, check out the featured site. None other than Tony Anthony's site, Beneath Buddhas Eyes! Congratulations Tony!

Our second-favorite section on Tony's site (besides his journal) is the gallery, which has photos he took while he was in Vietnam. They're pretty amazing, and just a few of the hundreds, or is it thousands, that he shot. I particularly like the man with the umbrella.

The Temple is pretty neat, too. We're still looking for sounds of temple bells to play in the background when the page loads.
posted by lee on 02/28/03 at 04:40 AM
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