good news, and an interesting phone call

First, the best news (which, for Stanley and me, was not unexpected): Gordon Joseloff won the race for First Selectman in Westport and his running mate, Shelly Kassen, won as Second Selectwoman. Gordon is founder, editor, and publisher of Congratulations Gordon!

Next, here in Norwalk, incumbent Alex Knopp was defeated. Dick Moccia is our new mayor. The race was very close, but it looks like not close enough for Connecticut’s automatic recount mechanism to kick in. Knopp conceded. I’m relieved—I really think Knopp is doing damage to Norwalk. I have no idea who else won here in Norwalk—maybe we’ll find out in the paper tomorrow thought it probably won’t be until Thursday. Other than a couple of incumbents, I voted against the status quo. I did vote to re-elect Kevin Poruban, but voted again Bondi.

There was a proposition on the Norwalk ballot having to do with the mayor appointing the town clerk rather than having it be an elective position. The proposition was so badly worded that they were supposed to post signs explaining what the hell it meant, and what, exactly, one was voting up or down. I saw the sign—on the way out, after I’d voted. I firmly believe town clerk should be an elective position so I voted against the proposition and I hope it fails. Stanley voted against it as well. Town clerks have too much power and too much responsibility not to be accountable to voters every two years.

Oh, good, looks like the Dems are kicking Republican butts in the governor’s office in New Jersey and Virginia. The NJ race was one of the nastiest races I’ve ever witnessed (I TRIED not to watch the NYC market TV stations, but People’s Court is on at the right time on a NYC station, so ... )

Well, today the VP of whatever from Dale and Thomas Popcorn called, apologizing for the screw-up with Dad’s birthday present (which Dad says is the strangest birthday present he ever got). Said it was a fluke that my order got messed up. Then he had a customer service person call me and assure me that they are refunding my shipping fees. The VP offered to send me a tin of popcorn, which was nice but not necessary. I might’ve forgiven them and might’ve been willing to give them another shot, but one of the bags of popcorn I got (the peanut butter popcorn) was mostly crumbs and very little of the good stuff so I ended up giving most of it to the dog. Too damned expensive to get crumbs like that. I have two more sample bags of the stuff that I hope are edible (though Ginger is probably hoping they’re crumbs; I’ll probably catch her stomping on the box)—it IS good stuff ... maybe one more chance ...

Dad emailed me that he and Mom liked what they tried of the popcorn. Took it to bingo to test it out (I hope they won!)

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/08/05 at 08:36 PM
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