The drought is definitely over. And so far, we had only one unbearable day as far as the heat goes—one day, it got up to near 90°. But, for the most part, May has been a chilly month. Today it will not get up to 65°. And it’s dreary. Overcast and damp.
But, the roses are blooming! Stanley brought some in for me, and the fragrance is just lovely.
First roses of the summer. (click to see it big!)
Another shot (click to see it big!)
And yet another shot of the first roses, May 30, 2017, because why not? (click to see it big!)
I put the roses on the mantle to protect them from Bad Cat Slink. (click to see it big!)
Pepper still surprises us.Earlier this month she decided to explore the ceiling—something she’s never done before, at least not that we’d ever seen!
Perhaps she was looking for spiders? (click to see it big!)