Can you canoe?
Last week, Ben, Stanley, and Dad canoed the Au Sable River. They put in below Foote Dam, and finished up by the bridge on River Road in Oscoda. A good time was had by all: Stanley managed to dump the canoe and dunk Ben & Dad without getting wet himself. Plus, a paddle floated downstream. Luckily, they spotted it. Stanley negotiated a slippery log to retrieve it from the snag while Ben fervently prayed that Stanley fall--payback for the dunking. Mom and I had to go get them because they key to the downriver car was still in the upriver truck. Of this turn of events, Ben said to Stanley, "And you're supposed to be the smart one."
So it was into the wind at the end ...

Later, we just hung out in the back yard. Pretty pleasant, mellow kind of afternoon.

But, but, but I don't want to go in ...

Ben went home--even though he volunteered to miss the first week of school and return with us. We miss him. So do Ginger and Twitch.
I can't believe it's already September.
Tomorrow, I think, we'll go make our charitable contributions to the Chippewa Nation. Then on Saturday, perhaps, we'll do a day trip to the wilderness park just past the Mackinac Bridge. We'd make it a two-day trip, but the rates for the hotels in this area are way more than we want to pay just to sleep. Though we could stay in St. Ignace ... I dunno. We'll decide that day.
So far, it's been a wonderful vacation. I even won at bingo. I'm not saying I'm ahead of the game, oh no, but at least my bingo losing streak is over. Last night, anyway. So the streaker paid just $8--no high-stakes bingo around here, that's for sure! It's just fun.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/03/03 at 11:30 AM
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