cinderella at skyline high school
The thought of going to see a musical put on by a bunch of high school freshmen isn’t exactly appealing, but when your nephew is the prop manager and made many of the props and your sister sewed costumes for the production, it becomes something you do if you can. We could, we did, and we were pleasantly surprised. It was pretty darn good, with a lot of good singing. The standouts were Emma Griffith as Cinderella and Richa Saran as Godmother. I made a little movie of snippets of stuff, starting with trying to capture the stage hands changing the set. The sets were pretty impressive and I think Leo did a great job managing it all. So, Leo, with apologies for sucking at videography, here’s my little movie:
The blurb in the program says:
Leo Robertson (Props Manager) is a freshman here at Skyline and has been involved with the theatre program here since the first show. He built many pieces for the set for this and the last show.
Kelly was a member of the costume crew and the prop crew.
Leo built the chandelier that hung off on one of the side stages—it was a pretty impressive feat. It was difficult to get any good shots in the theater, but Stanley did his best:
Here is another picture of Leo backstage—he took us on a tour after the show was over:
Leo Robertson backstage after the performance of Cinderella, May 9, 2009 Photo by Stanley Thompson. (click to enlarge)
Leo took us on a tour of some of the areas of the school. Skyline High School is amazing—it’s green, brand new, and huge. Leo’s class is the first class to matriculate there and this year they have the entire school to themselves. It’s kinda nice to be the first, I think, and you don’t have to worry about any of the crap the upperclassmen dish out.
Skyline has a green roof, wind power, geothermal power, solar power, state-of-the-art green materials and controls. It’s huge and impressive though not very, well, warm—I think because it hasn’t been used enough yet it could be any institution if you didn’t know it is a school. Leo says there are windows in nearly every room. The media lab is power by wind power. The swimming pool is gorgeous. The theater is fancier than any I’ve ever been in and it’s also state of the art. You can read about it by clicking the link in the paragraph.
So a good time was had by all—I was very glad we went and it was great to see Leo and Kelly.
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