css inspiration overload: gimme more ...
First a grouse.It's snowing. Hard. And windy and generally crappy out. We're s'posed to get four or more inches of snow and sleet and rain, etc. At least here along the coast. Inland, and, my sister tells me, up Boston way, they're on tap to get eight or more inches.
Spring starts Saturday. The dogwoods actually have buds. It just isn't right that it's snowing. Sure, it's pretty -- especially watching Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal cavort in a snow-coated shrub. But I want to work in the garden!
On to the main topic.
I am working on a site for an artist. She does absolutely beautiful work in fused glass. She provided overall design and groupings for her pieces, and her text, so I have all the content I need for the site. And I have this vision of what it should look like -- and I know the only way for me to really achieve this vision is to create the site strictly with CSS. And while I know a lot about CSS, I still have plenty, just plenty, to learn about it.
So I've been spending some time looking at what can be done using CSS. Spent a considerable time in Zen Garden, the Louvre of CSS designs created by web designer Dave Shea.
Then, today, following a link from a link in today's webdesign-l digest, a came across CSS Vault ۻ The Web's CSS Site, with tons of CSS design examples and links to resources, tutorials, etc. All put together by web designer Paul Scrivens, who also writes a blog called white space.
I love CSS Vault. Though I'm frustrated because January won't load, which makes me nuts because I might be missing out on seeing The One True Spark. But other than that (a PHP issue?), this site is on my list of top resource sites.
And one other thing ...
Been very busy. We're refinancing the mortgage. The appraiser is due to arrive Thursday morning. Which means we've been working hard on de-cluttering the house. It's absolutely astonishing how much stuff accumulates so quickly. So far, one trip to Goodwill and two dump runs, with at least one more donation on tap -- and that's just stuff from the past three years.
Every time I work on clutter, I swear to myself that I'm just not going to let it accumulate any more, or at least do some significant paring down. I don't have too much trouble parting with junk if I have the time to go through it. But other than my junk, it's not easy in this house -- there is more than 50 years of stuff accumulated here, and it's VERY difficult to get Stanley to say "sayonara" to anything ("I might be able to use it for something ... " Yeah, sure. Like those grime-encrusted Tupperware flatware trays will sure come in handy some day ... ) But, to his credit, he's trying to go with the flow and just do it.
But this snow is making it hard to clean up the yard. If it would just leave five inches or so on the ground until Thursday afternoon, that would be fine -- but no, it will all melt away tomorrow, I'm sure.
Ah well, we'll get it all done. Or done enough. We always do.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/16/04 at 11:17 AM
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