happy happy joy joy
Yes, we have snow. Maybe three inches now by now, as I write this after 1:00 am. Latest forecast said 12 to 15 inches by Sunday afternoon, with official blizzard conditions down by the seashore (where we are).
Can’t complain, really—it’s New England, and we’ve been relatively unscathed this winter except for a couple of really nasty windstorms (which didn’t affect us too much—Norwalk got lucky for a change.)
Ginger, of course, is overjoyed. She loves playing in the snow (click to enlarge):
Tomorrow, while we dig out, she’ll run around like she’s lost her little doggie mind and it will be like watching pure joy.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/11/06 at 10:15 PM
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