march movie
This year, March began with a snow storm, the Megastorm! I used my Flip and shot the puppies and Stanley and cars speeding down an icy street (which is supposed to be 25mph—which not even the Norwalk cops obey despite there being three schools in a very short stretch). Stanley did most of the digging out—I helped some using the Fox electric snow shovel. A lot of work. We said last year we’d get a “real” snow blower, but never got around to it. We decided after this shovel job to for real look for one this summer. The Fox comes in handy, but it’s still a lot of work to use it and it really isn’t designed to handle more than five inches or so at a time.
Today, it was nearly 60 degrees and mostly sunny, and we worked in the yard this afternoon. And I made another little movie of the puppies. Used the Flip software to put them together and then Moyea Flash Video MX Pro to make a Flash movie out of it. It lasts about seven minutes or so and not very interesting to anyone but us. But here it is, anyway:
I’m glad we’re not getting the weather they’re getting in Kansas today—two feet of snow! Tornadoes and flooding down South, flooding in North Dakota ... ah spring!
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