New Design got a facelift. We rebuilt the site to transform it from a Blogger content management system to a Movable Type site. Miggs Burroughs created a new masthead for the site, and we built and designed the rest of it. is an online newspaper by Gordon Joseloff.

This launch is the first phase, but hopefully the most challenging phase since there were a lot of wrinkles and bugs to be worked out--and still worked out--since we did not want to lose all of the stories posted on the Blogger platform. It always amazes me how many things can go wrong in changing platforms. In this case, there was a maddening bug that caused the browser to crash intermittantly (naturally) when clicking on the "home" link. Turned out it was a bit of javascript found only on the home page that needed to be flavored for xhtml. Now that's done, it appears to be working wonderfully. We still have a few things left on our phase one to-do list, and then we start on phase two, which is making it more robust and expanding the number of sections. It's been extremely interesting so far, despite the maddening aspects.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/27/03 at 04:38 PM
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