twitching dogwoods greet new site launch
This photo was taken on May 1 -- about two days after our dogwoods actually bloomed. Though the blossoms got brighter after a couple of days of rain, blooms are spotty this year. Not just on our dogwoods, but all over around here. They're later than usual. We had a colder-than-usual winter this year, so that might have had something to do with it.
We saw a story about a lady accidently Fedexing her cat to Indianapolis. I have no trouble believing it, and it doesn't take much imagination to figure out how it happened. I live in fear that I will either run Twitch through the washer or fluff him up too much in the dryer. We stuck an Easter basket in the recycles bin so we wouldn't forget to dump it, but Twitch has adopted it as one of his eleventy-seven favorite places to roost.

And, last week, we launched another website: John Donoghue Ceramics.

It's always amazing how much harder it is to do what appear to be simple sites. But we're pretty please at how it looks. It was fun doing a simple dhtml gallery, though this is probably not a site that a client could maintain with just a little help. I love the work John does, which made the agonizing over how to do things much easier to bear.
Interesting things coming up. We took a day trip up to Massachusetts Saturday so we could go to a plant sale at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society (got there too late to see much, alas) and went to a wonderful nursery in Hopkinton (Weston Nurseries) were I found hellebore and Stanley found some black violas -- they are so great (will take pictures of them as soon as I get them in the ground). It was such a nice respite. Now the work begins anew -- all really interesting stuff but so much of it.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 05/09/04 at 11:03 PM
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