Twitch’s Big Adventure
We decided to take Twitch on our jaunt today. Usually it's Stanley, Ginger, and me. Never mind that Twitch seemed perfectly content exactly where he was:Stanley, Ginger, Twitch, and I headed to Sherwood Island. It was 64 degrees out and pretty overcast. But the beach was fairly empty and the tide was coming in, so it was pleasant.
Ginger & Lee
We walked along the beach, and explored the rocks.
Twitch was making funny noises as he climbed on the rocks.
I said it was because he could smell the rats in the rocks.
All was going well; everybody seemed happy:
While I was angling for another shot, Twitch decided to take off. In about 12 nanoseconds, he was up the nearest tree:
Stanley freaked, which just made Twitch climb higher. We were afraid his leash would get caught or that he'd try to jump down and end up hanging himself. I knew Twitch would stop going up if we calmed down, so I walked away with Ginger and Stanley took some deep breaths. I figured we'd have to call the fire department of something and end up on the front page of the local newspaper (nothing much ever happens here).
We dragged a heavy-as-hell picnic table to the base of the tree - maybe if Stanley could get closer to Twitch, the damn cat would come down. Stanley saw that he could climb the tree, and did. I didn't have to presence of mind to take any shots of this adventure - I'm terrified of heights whether it's me up there or someone else. So I just semi-froze - had to keep Ginger out of the way. Stanley reached for Twitch, and Twitch came down to meet him, and rode Stanley's shoulder on the way down. They both made it, safe and sound:
We walked some more, and Twitch practiced for the Cat Olympics, coached by Ginger:
He showed off his form:
All in all, it was a good trip. Not bad for an indoor cat's first nature hike.
Now the only question is: Will Stanley recover?
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/09/02 at 03:51 PM
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