wind, weather, water, & an empty house, oh calamity!
This weekend wasn’t a good one for tech stuff—DoS attack on one server, weird glitch on another, and we had to move our webserver to a new box because the disk is failing. So I was starting to think about what else to do for a living to get away from high tech. (I always do when aggravated by server crap that always seems to happen at once.)
However, I got a lesson that even “low tech” has problems. We put Dad’s house on the market last September and I saw that the market is picking up so that boded well for actually selling it this spring (Iosco County is not exactly a hot market—not for years now). But Mother Nature kicked us in the teeth. There have been windstorms and power outages where the house is—it’s the norm for a northern Michigan winter. While we don’t know for sure, it looks like the wind knocked the power out to the house (happens an awful lot there) and it didn’t come back on in time to prevent the pipes from freezing. Frozen pipes in the back wall, which apparently burst and destroyed the ceiling above the dining room and family room. My nephew Scott and his girlfriend Kayla just happened to go up that way for a weekend jaunt, checked on the house, and discovered the nightmare.
This was my biggest fear, that weather would cause something like this. A storm or a lightening strike or even a tornado. What frustrates me most about it is I’m not there to help with dealing with it.
Here is what these rooms looked like:
The kitchen, when we put it on the market. (click to see it big!)
The family room when we put it on the market. (click to see it big!)
That was then. These are now:
Looking from the kitchen towards the dining area/family room.
The ceiling in the dining area (click to see it big!)
The ceiling above the dining area. What gets me is how pristine and untouched the curtains look. (click to see it big!)
Where the ceiling used to be, above the dining area and family room. (click to see it big!)
Where the ceiling is now. (click to see it big!)
I know there was a bad windstorm a couple of weeks ago, but this looks like it’s been more than two weeks. But, I don’t know—I have no idea how quickly damage like this can happen.
The area that is damaged in mainly in the one-story section behind the garage, and below the upstairs bathroom in the two-story part of the house (hence all the pipes).
My nephew saw a silver lining: “Well, once we fix it we can say ‘improvements made’ in the listing.”
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