Sunday, March 10, 2002
Quiet days at airport security points
Because nobody plugged in the security gates. Really.
Plug It In!
Do they really think throwing federal bureaucrats into these positions will make things any better?
posted by
lee on 03/10/02 at 08:27 AM
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Wednesday, March 13, 2002
boxesandarrows evolt builder
Boxes and Arrows: Because we can.
From their "About" page:
"Boxes and Arrows is the definitive source for the complex task of bringing architecture and design to the digital landscape. There are various titles and professions associated with this undertakinginformation architecture, information design, interaction design, interface designחbut when we looked at the work that we were actually doing, we found a community of practiceӔ with similarities in outlook and approach that far outweighed our differences.
"Boxes and Arrows is a peer-written journal dedicated to discussing, improving and promoting the work of this community, through the sharing of exemplary technique, innovation and informed opinion.
"Boxes and Arrows strives to provoke thinking among our peers, to push the limits of the accepted boundaries of these practices and to challenge the status quo by teaching new or better techniques that translate into results for our companies, our clients and our comrades."
I've only had time to read (and comment on, twice) one article (
The evolving homepage: The growth of three booksellers by
Victor Lombardi) and I'm already hooked. This has all the makings of a truly outstanding, um, magazine? Community? Whatever. I've always liked
Evolt, but this seems to be headed more in the direction that interests me the most.
Maybe it'll somehow make up for the "improvement" of What a pile of crap they turned that into, another IT babblespeak site. Like IT sites weren't already a commodity.
posted by
lee on 03/13/02 at 01:41 PM
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Sharbat Gula then and now
Behind the Search for the "Afghan Girl"
posted by
lee on 03/13/02 at 03:08 PM
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Thursday, March 14, 2002
a different perspective of flash mx
Simon St. Laurent wrote this opinion of Flash MX:
Macromedia reinvents the Web. It's refreshing to read a viewpoint from someone not sucking up to Macromedia.
The thought of the Web being taken over by Flash MX is depressing - I keep thinking about the endless parade of "cutting edge" Flash websites - you know, the ones that all look essentially the same and all use that teeny, tiny stupid silk font or some equally boring and as-unreadable variation of silk ...
Thanks to
WebWord for this link.
posted by
lee on 03/14/02 at 06:37 AM
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and a little child shall lead them
Predicting the Stock Market Is Child's Play. I love it - a five-year-old trounces two adults!
posted by
lee on 03/14/02 at 08:52 PM
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Friday, March 15, 2002
some things never change
Duke University's
Digital Scriptorium provides a collection of advertisements from way back. This one is from the "Medicine and Madison Avenue" collection. Pretty interesting considering how the FDA is currently whining about not being able to keep up with all the drug ads on the tube. At any rate, there's tons of stuff here to keep one busy for hours. I like looking at the layout of the ads - gives me ideas for current ads and layouts I need to do.

Venus-Adonis Electric Normalizer, 1950.

Ab Energizer, 2002. The design is sleeker, and it uses electrical shocks instead of pistons, but it's basically exactly the same concept as the Venus-Adonis Electric Normalizer.
posted by
lee on 03/15/02 at 06:42 AM
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So much bat guano, so little time to monitor it all
But this site tries hard. Worth a look.
posted by
lee on 03/15/02 at 06:57 AM
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Saturday, March 16, 2002
What it means to be unpatriotic
Michael Moore says it well:
"Let's get one thing straight -- this is what it means to be "unpatriotic:"
1. When you shred our constitution and eliminate our civil liberties, passing laws that make it illegal to encourage opposition to the government's actions, THAT is un-American.
2. When you send our kids to go fight and die on a foreign land so that you can finally build a pipeline for your oil backers across that country, THAT is un-American.
3. When you use the dead of September 11 to try to get huge tax cuts passed that will only benefit your rich benefactors, THAT is un-American.
4. When you allow criminals who are stealing the pensions of workers and retirees to come in and hand-pick the head of the agency which is supposed to be regulating them, and then you place some of the criminals' top brass in your administration to "serve" as the secretary of the army and White House counsel, and then these criminals turn out to be your number one financial backers -- and their law firm turns out to be your #3 backer -- and, in spite of all this you still haven't resigned in disgrace, THAT is un-American."
Mike's Book Tour Diary 2002_0306
Buy his book on Amazon:
Stupid White Men ...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation ($14.97 as of March 16th).
posted by
lee on 03/16/02 at 10:08 AM
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amazing amount of effort
posted by
lee on 03/16/02 at 10:51 AM
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Tuesday, March 19, 2002
wayne’s lists and lists and lists
Despite being a Canadian site, what with the weird spelling and all, this site is a lot of fun to poke around in. Or on? Maybe about ... Oh, it's useful, too, if you come across an idiom you've never read.
English Idioms.
Hmm, I wonder if it's listed in
I keep losing the links/resources page the
New York Times put up for its writers - does anyone know what I'm talking about or where it is?
posted by
lee on 03/19/02 at 11:15 AM
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