Forces of Nature from National Geographic. See if you can start a tornado. For natural disaster buffs everywhere (I confess—my favorite movies are disaster movies).
The American Highway Project is planning to “document vanishing Americana such as motels, billboards, service stations, highway signs, tourist attractions, drive-in theatres and diners.” Hmm.
And, as long as you’re looking at stuff along the highway, take a look at Sign Language, which is a “collection of photos containing humorous, bizarre, and or confusing signs from around the world.” Modern Contemporary Design, aka MoCo Loco, is “a web magazine featuring modern contemporary design news and views.” I’m not sure why it’s modern AND contemporary, versus, say Modern Design or Contemporary Design, or maybe it’s a style. I don’t know. It’s just interesting to find out what’s going on in the design world. I like a lot of modern design, which is probably why I like the designs of our friends Christine and Greg at Fletcher Cameron Design. Ok, ‘nuff for now.
Next entry: the new food pyramid
Previous entry: so. tired. but the front forty is seeded.