so. tired. but the front forty is seeded.

Into weekend two of our 2005 Lawn Reclamation Project. We have about a third of the half acre raked and seeded with grass seed. The good thing is this April is uncharacteristically dry and sunny, so we had two good weekends to rake and seed. The bad thing is this April is uncharacteristically dry and sunny, so the seed isn’t sprouting since we don’t have the time to water it every day. But, the package says it WILL sprout, from 7 to 30 days, depending on the weather.

I mixed some of the fall planting mixture in with the stuff we got at Home Depot a couple of weeks ago. Because I was running out of that. I don’t really understand the difference between fall planting seed and spring planting seed since they’re both perennial rye grass. Probably a way for Scott to make money twice a year by getting people to buy it twice a year. We’ll see.

Way behind in putting up pictures—I have some of Jamie’s princess, aka her dog Bailey, to get up. And other comments and observations to blather about. But, instead, I think I’ll watch 60 Minutes, take a long shower, then listen to the telly while I finish the restructuring of—or at least begin to finish it (I can’t wait to get it launched with the new platform—MT has gotten clunky and unwieldy so it should be a lot faster with the mysql/php configuration). Oh, and I guess I should make dinner too (just realized I’m really hungry!)

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 04/17/05 at 02:49 PM
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