nice stuff, part one: good press

It’s so exciting: the January 16 Sunday New York Times has a great article about Featured in the Connecticut section, which is delivered on Saturday around here, it’s titled “Did You Read The Computer Today?” by Bill Slocum. If it get posted on the NYT website tomorrow, I will link it. The gist is it’s about two hyper-local news sites, WestportNow and, which covers Litchfield County, the motivation behind each, and a lot about Gordon. It has a good photo of Gordon and his dog, Abby.

It’s nice to see it featured, especially since we just launched an interactive map feature with two maps: Westport Teardowns and Properties Sold. The software/database is by Illinois-based MapTeam. The “Westport Teardowns” is a pretty interesting feature. In Westport, people have a tendency to buy a house, then tear it down and replace it with a Big MacMansion. Some houses warrant being torn down, but many are wonderful houses; there is one 200-year-old house slated for the wrecking crew. It’s changing Westport from a charming New England town into an overbuilt exurb that is rapidly losing its historic character.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/15/05 at 02:24 PM
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