nice stuff, part two: tulips from a friend
I’ve been writing about the horrible start to this year, and have been pretty bummed out about it all. The first week or so of 2005 presented us with an unrelenting series of events and news that was like getting repeatedly sucker punched. It’s been exhausting.
But yesterday, the doorbell rang. It was a Fedex guy delivering a box from ProFlowers. We opened it to discover a beautiful bouquet of tulips. They were from Candy, a friend, and I was so touched by her gift that I immediately lost that overwhelming sense of dread that had been tying my stomach into a knot.
Thank you, Candy.
It’s so easy to lose perspective when you’re in the middle of events, whether they’re good or bad. We didn’t have the time to even stop and think about what was happening, how to cope with it, how to best react, when the next thing hit—it’s hard to roll with the punches when you’ve already been knocked flat on your back. We’re still not completely recovered from the technological disasters, and a client was lost by someone who shares our server, which we feel just awful about.
click to enlarge
We found out where the webserver problem lay, besides the hacking, and fixed that problem and hopefully closed all the doors. The techs at Netsonic were great, and if you’re in the market for a webserver of your own, I suggest you go with them. We’ll finish restoring a lost database by tomorrow and will be able to move ahead with that, and should be able to launch two sites this week. The bad thing is we’ll probably never recover the money we lost dealing with it.
Our friend is out of the hospital, though they still don’t really know what the problem is. Our other friend has some places to move lined up, so she should be out of her present living situation in a month or so. Stanley sees a cardiologist at the end of the month, which I hope will help us both feel less frightened by what ails him. My psoriasis flare has calmed considerably—and that’s a relief. My family member has some good prospects lined up, so I’m less worried about her. I finally got enough sleep. We still have plenty of worries, but at least they don’t seem so insurmountable. And plenty of good things are shaping up, as well.
But I gotta say, Candy’s tulips are what snatched me out of the black place.
Next entry: nice stuff, part one: good press
Previous entry: nice stuff, part three: lurid sunsets