portfolio plummet

Wow, our tiny portfolio dropped about $2,400 in the last ten days. But, it’s mostly index funds and fairly sound companies, more or less, so we’ll leave stuff alone—Suzy Orman says investing in the market today is okay if we dollar cost average (we can’t afford otherwise!) and don’t plan on retiring within two years (hah!) Brother-in-law Jeff said we’re actually losing money on our savings account because the interest rate is so low (we’re at Webster Bank, so pay no service fees) that we’re losing money to inflation. But where the hell else can we stash our cash and have it safe?

We’ve been listening to Ira Glass explain things, and Paul Krugman explain things and instead of being a weather junkie, lately I’ve been a meltdown junkie.

Oh, and a political junkie. I’m rearranging my Tuesday evening schedule (I usually go shopping with Helene at 7:30 p.m.) so we can be home early enough to see the debate. I’ve come to loathe Chris Matthews even more than ever, but am glad MSNBC had the sense to put Rachel Maddow in their lineup and let Keith Olbermann handle the post-debate shows.

So the economy is making me a bit nervous, but not too nervous (yet). I won’t freak out unless McCain wins. And just concentrate on paying down our credit cards.

Have been crazy busy with work stuff. I’ve wanted to get vacation photos up but I’m usually so tired by the end of the day I’ve been falling asleep on the sofa (with the pups!) So here a few to get me started:

James and Alice Fleming, bingo at the American Legion, Oscoda, MI September 2008
Dad and Mom at Friday night bingo at the American Legion. I really miss going to bingo with them. (click to enlarge)

Stanley at the beach with the puppies, Oscoda, MI September 9, 2008
We introduced the puppies to the water at Three Mile Beach in Oscoda on September 9. The noise made them really nervous. We also learned that dobermans are not very fond of water, though shepherds tend to love swimming. (click to enlarge)

Jim and Alice Fleming at Three Mile Beach, Oscoda, MI September 9, 2008.
Dad and Mom at Three Mile Beach, Oscoda, MI September 9, 2008. What a gorgeous day to sit on the boardwalk. (click to enlarge)

El Rancho Not So Grande, Greenbush, MI, September 2008
This is in Greenbush, Michigan, along one of the side roads. I guess it helps to have a sense of humor about circumstances! (And it wasn’t for sale, like so many other houses around there ... ) (click to enlarge)

Einstein, September 2008, supervising Stanley's work
Einstein managed to get Stanley’s attention. Better by sitting on his keyboard than making him chase her in the pouring rain.  (click to enlarge)

Okay, plenty more to get up, but they will have to wait. I have to go figure out what that load noise was and why the pups have suddenly gotten so quiet. They are getting big fast and I need to get some photos of them tomorrow—they are sooo much trouble but we are crazy about them.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 10/06/08 at 08:59 PM
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