Record Producers with Honor - wow!
The New York Times ran this article: An Ex-Convict, a Hit Album, an Ending Fit for Hollywood (registration required - but it's free). It detailed the hunt for James Carter, who's rendition of Po' Lazarus was used on the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack. They gave him a royalty check for $20,000, with more on the way. The soundtrack was produced by the label of Universal Music Group. (Note: there's not much to be found at the Lost Highways label site - just a list of Grammy winners. Too bad.)Pretty classy. They could've just forgotten about it, assuming the singer was either dead or would surface as a result of publicity about the movie, but they didn't.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/04/02 at 06:52 PM
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