Wednesday, February 20, 2002

bands on the run in connecticut

Check out CO2 - a band from the Hartford area.

And check out The Jeremiah Long Band, from Norwalk.
posted by lee on 02/20/02 at 01:43 PM
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dog doings in court

Dramatic start to mauling trial / Grisly photos, litany of attacks highlight scene in court. Not to mention the defense attorney doing it doggie-style. If my attorney crawled on the floor like a dog, I'd try to get a mistrial.
posted by lee on 02/20/02 at 04:10 PM
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Thursday, February 21, 2002

things neuro: art by psychos

Neuroscience Art Gallery

Some absolutely fascinating artwork. The one by a 25-year-old Canadian - "Inside the Skull" - is represented only in fragments (in the Art by Psychotics section) - I would love to see the piece in its entirety. Very Bosch.

Thanks to Stanley at Puppet Press Journal for this little corner of the web.
posted by lee on 02/21/02 at 09:48 AM
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I thought I saw a CNN Headline news reference to this

But thought I must've been mistaken when I couldn't find any reference to it. Unitl now. Man buried alive next to murdered son.
posted by lee on 02/21/02 at 02:25 PM
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Friday, February 22, 2002

Skakel circus comes to town

Oh, great, a "Kennedy" trial is going to be here, half a mile from our house. The Skakel trial looks like it's going to be in Norwalk since Stamford hasn't finished building the new courthouse. Norwalk traffic is bad enough without having all the satellite trucks and other media trappings. Why can't they have the trial in Greenwich - that's where it all happened? Let the Greenwich police deal with all the crap that they swept under the rug when Skakel murdered - uh, oops, I mean allgedly murdered - Martha Moxley in 1975.
posted by lee on 02/22/02 at 09:16 AM
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Saturday, February 23, 2002

Yahoo specializes in spam

Apparently, Yahoo does nothing to prevent spam slimeballs from signing up and using Yahoo mail to spew spam. If I didn't have friends, family members, and customers who [legitamately] use Yahoo email, I'd block the domain altogether.

I did the math: 83% of the spam I get is from a Yahoo mailbox. Don't they put limits on the number of messages that can be generated from one mailbox? Ten seems reasonable. Hotmail used to be the worst for spam, but Yahoo is the overwhelming "winner" in the spamscum contest.

I'm getting tired of sending each spam I get via Yahoo to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). I don't believe they do anything, anyway.
posted by lee on 02/23/02 at 10:55 AM
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wonders of the world

Here's your chance to vote on the New Seven Wonders of the World. (The Eiffel Tower? I think not ... )
posted by lee on 02/23/02 at 11:10 AM
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“Notes from the Road” vol. 25

Eric Gauger just released the latest edition of "Notes from the Road." It's a follow-up to an earlier piece about Afghani expatriates, the "Lost Sons of Afghanistan."

"A Museum for Kabul" follows the journey of a fictional art dealer that documents the status of art and artifacts from Afghanistan. Pictures of lost antiquities emphasize the tragedy of Afghanistan.

It begins:
"The Lost Sons of Afghanistan - the ousted souls of war who kept a dream alive from far corners, are uncovering their paperwork, packing their bags, and heading home to do for their country or their cause what they have been working for over twenty three years - to save, restore and return Afghanistan's plundered antiquities back to the country.

"What was not blown to bits from twenty years of war, exists in the dark cellars and long hallways of other countries' private mansions and museums. The museum of Kabul is now a cracked skull in a dusty desert - all its years of knowledge perhaps lost forever, no redemption."
posted by lee on 02/23/02 at 11:26 AM
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Oscar Pool - vote!

Vote here, maybe win some crap: Oscar Pool at Pith & Vinegar.
posted by lee on 02/23/02 at 12:11 PM
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Sunday, February 24, 2002

alleviate web rage

A Brit bank created a website to get people through those moments of web rage:
Moments of Simplicity.

It's rather silly, really.
posted by lee on 02/24/02 at 02:25 PM
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