hope for democracy?
Kerry made the best choice for running mate. With his choice of Edwards for VP, I was startled to notice that I was actually feeling some hope for November. For maybe even the next sixteen years.The one thing I don't understand, though, is why all the windbags are clucking about Edwards being inexperienced, lack of foreign policy expertise, etc. and blah blah blah. Like Bush had any experience in foreign relations? Even the mighty Clinton was a governor -- not exactly well-versed in foreign relations. Nor did the recently sainted Reagan come to office with a track record in foreign relations.
What Edwards has is decency and brains. He's already more than amply demonstrated that he has the ability to learn fast and think on his feet.
So now that Kerry has chosen Edwards, I'm actually getting excited about this campaign. Which makes me think about the windbags claiming that the person running for VP doesn't influence who voters select. It matters to me, and I hardly think I'm unique. I think it will matter to a lot of voters who were having trouble warming up to Kerry.
Yep, John Edwards is a great choice for Vice President. I already ordered my Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 07/07/04 at 05:29 PM
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