isn’t it funny how statistics that don’t dovetail with asscroft’s plan don’t get widely reported?
The Sons and Daughters of Liberty[snip]
'A further indication that many Americans are ahead of their representatives in Washington in wanting to be safe from Ashcroft is an April 24 Associated Press report: "Despite the fear of future terrorist attacks, a majority of Americans are unwilling to give up civil liberties in exchange for national security, according to a Michigan State University study. Nearly 55 percent of 1488 people surveyed nationwide said they don't want to give up constitutional rights in the government's fight against terrorism. . . .
'The telephone survey, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, was conducted from November 14 through January 15 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points." Sixty-six percent "opposed government monitoring of telephone and e-mail conversations.'
Be a true Patriot: go here to sign a petition to repeal the Patriot Act because:
- It negates the powers of the judiciary and legislative branches of government.
- It allows random arrests and detention without hearings or trials for anyone or any group designated by the President.
- It allows retroactive prosecution.
- It allows the concealment of Presidential records.
- It permits secret "Military Tribunals" for presidentially-designated "terrorists."
- It legalizes "sneak-n-peek" searches and seizures.
- It allows the unlawful infiltration and surveillance of legal, domestic religious, labor and political organizations.
- It allows the wholesale surveillance of private citizens, private business records and other materials without proof of probable cause.
- It destroys all e-mail and internet privacy.
Think about it. Do you really trust Ashcroft to safeguard your liberties? A man whose own constituents thought so poorly of him they voted to send a dead man to Washington instead of re-electing him?
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 06/30/02 at 05:23 PM
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